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Security Blogging Press Accreditation

I have been running this site since 1998 and more recently began a blog just over a year ago now. One of the overwhelming things that I hear when I attend security presentations is “those damn bloggers”. HD Moore, Joel Snyder and many others have uttered similar refrains. And, I can see there point in many ways. Early on I was blogging using my alter ego “gattaca”. The real downside to that is I had a tendency to rant from time to time safe in my anonymity. Well, once I started making appearances in the press I realized it was time to put on the big boy pants. The anonymity set aside I felt that I was becoming more responsible in my approach to writing. Well, it is an evolution.

So, in an attempt to further improve my writing I have been following the likes of Steve Rubel and others for their blogging guru advice. This led me to think about applying for press credentials for security conferences. Recently I applied for, and was refused (I think) press accreditation to Black Hat in Amsterdam. Undaunted, I kept on writing. Now, here in Toronto we have Infosecurity Canada coming up in June. I figured that I would try again and applied for press pass to the conference organizers. Well, I guess the second time is the charm. I have received my first press pass!

Confirmation of Registration

Attention: DAVE
Confirmation Number: **********

We have received and processed your registration to attend the upcoming:

InfoSecurity Canada
Workshops & Tutorials: June 12
Conference & Exhibits: June 13-14
Metro Toronto Convention Centre
Toronto, Ontario, Canada


I will be sure to cover this event as professionally as possible. I would like to start to buck the “damn blogger” trend. I hope that this will be the first of many opportunities.

[tags]Blogging Media, Security Bloggers, Blogger Press Pass, Press Accreditation, Liquidmatrix, Infosecurity Canada[/tags]

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