Been a crazy day here on the rock pile. Thanks Just a couple more sleeps until Black Hat/Defcon. I can’t wait. I need the sanity break.
And now, the (afternoon) news…
- BIND Updates Available
- Power outage shuts down websites
- Web-borne security threats soar
- FERC proposes adoption of new reliability standards for cyber security in the bulk power system
- Mozilla confirms own URL handling bug
- Chinese pirates busted with $500 million of software (a bullet in the head then?)
- Pwnie Awards: Recognize Your Peers
- Congress: P2P networks harm national security (your tax dollars at work)
- CTIA blasts Google spectrum pitch
- AT&T suffers iPhone setback
- Joost Says They Have 1 million Beta Users; Launch By Year End (we’re beta testers…and loving this app)
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[tags]News, Daily Links, Security Blog, Information Security, BIND, P2P, Joost, Chinese Pirates, FERC, Mozilla Flaw, Power Failure[/tags]