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Security Briefing: July 5th

Another day of docu-hell (™) on the rock pile. I simply love it when vendors cold call to tell me why their “brand of soda” is better than everyone else. Especially when this very same sales person was working for the competition not 6 months ago.

  1. Six burning VoIP questions
  2. Something “completely different” – Independence Day trojan
  3. Security exchange trades zero-day flaws
  4. The shambles over cybercrime
  5. Encryption Code of practice (UK)
  6. Accused web terror trio change pleas to guilty
  7. New INFOSEC workbook now online
  8. Insider threats thwarted in simple steps
  9. Pseudo-intellectualism continues to be attached to computer crimes
  10. ‘Free’ energy technology goes on display (off topic but, interesting)

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[tags]News, Daily Links, Security Blog, Encryption, Infosec, Zero Day, VoIP Security, Independence Day Trojan[/tags]

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