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Security Briefing: July 8th


Fresh news. So close to Black Hat / Defcon now. Are you going?



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And now, the news…

  1. GAO slams White House for failing to lead on cyber security | InfoWorld
  2. Symbian malware creates mighty zombie army | The Register
  3. EU passes SWIFT data sharing agreement |
  4. Toronto law firm preps Facebook class action suit | CNET
  5. Top secret IDF base exposed on Facebook | Jerusalem Post
  6. Pirate Bay Hack Exposes User Booty | Krebs On Security
  7. NSA may be building early warning system for cyber attacks | TechWorld
  8. Skype’s encryption procedure partly exposed | H Online
  9. A Little More on Cyberwar, from Joint Pub 1 | Tao Security
  10. Google issues Chrome security update |

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