Site icon Liquidmatrix Security Digest

Security Briefing: June 18th

Wow, June is just blowing by. I should point out that when myself or myrcurial are posting we have a tendency to quote other writers. More often than not we use a “blockquote”.

This is a blockquote.

The reference is almost always at the end of the post as an “Article Link”. There has been some confusion recently so, I thought I should clear that up. That being said have a great day for me…I’m home sick.

And now, the news…

  1. Homeland Security to detail IT attacks in Tuesday hearing
  2. Judge Orders FBI to Release NSL Abuse Records
  3. Winhex PoC virus
  4. Ohio changes policies after massive data theft
  5. VoIP security fundamentals
  6. Hackers meet for coding festival
  7. Half of Britons cannot exist without email
  8. Top tips to protect your online privacy

[tags]News, Daily Links, Security Blog, Privacy, VoIP Security, Hacker, Data Theft, Email Addiction[/tags]

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