Almost made it to the weekend. I’m embarrassed by the growing number of emails that I have to respond to. Email bankruptcy is starting to look appealing. Not that it would solve anything by doing so. There is some amusement to be had by setting an autoresponder that says “bugger off, and have a nice day”.

And now, the news…

  1. Phone privacy case pits Justice Dept. vs. states
  2. Harry Potter transcript claim doesn’t convince
  3. McAfee: Attacks on the way for infrastructure, entertainment
  4. Swiss Internet terror trial opens
  5. YouTube ‘riddled with 40-plus security vulnerabilities’
  6. US Homeland Security CIO blamed for security “incidents”
  7. MPack Analysis
  8. Silly Home Security
  9. Not fiction? Herman Munster’s identity stolen
  10. Sri Lanka under fire over Internet censorship

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[tags]News, Daily Links, Security Blog, YouTube Security, DHS, Justice Dept vs. States, Harry Potter Transcript, MPack Analysis[/tags]

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