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Security Briefing: June 26th

OK, the database cluster is back up and playing nice after its petulant episode.

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And now, the news…

  1. MoD implements new data security measures | PC Advisor
  2. Do natural human traits make us more vulnerable to computer malware? | Hexus
  3. The staff, the thief, the device and its data | Network World
  4. Credit card firms wave stick at retailers | The Australian
  5. Merchants call credit card industry’s bluff on compliance | The Register
  6. Chairman: Computer Hacking ‘Much More Widespread’ | WYFF 4
  7. Fired Houston organ bank worker accused of hacking into system | Houston Chronicle
  8. PCI standard ‘ignores’ insider threat | vnunet
  9. Student suspended after hacking emails | Stuff NZ

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