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Security Briefing: June 27th

It is freaking hot here in the Toronto area yesterday and again today. It got up to 41C with humidity. That’s 106F for our American cousins. Be aware today that there is a fake Microsoft update making the rounds for MS07-0065. It’s malware. What else?

And now, the news…

  1. New tool for testing application security
  2. The decline of antivirus and the rise of whitelisting (Kurt baiting…)
  3. Mobile phones ‘offensive weapons’
  4. Trojan hides behind Yes & No video
  5. MySpace Flux Malware
  6. Don’t download Microsoft Security Bulletin MS07-0065!
  7. Cisco vows to maintain IronPort tech, talent (you mean they’re not going to bury it?)
  8. Security Appliances Sitting Ducks for Known Bug
  9. From Facebook To a Yearbook, Teens Get a Jolt
  10. Europe’s banks must inform customers of US snooping

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[tags]News, Daily Links, Security Blog, IronPort, Privacy, Spam, MS07-0065, MySpace Malware, Antivirus, UTM[/tags]

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