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Security Briefing: June 29th

It’s the Canada Day long weekend! Looking forward to kicking back and relaxing. I hope that everyone has a good and safe weekend.

And now, the news…

  1. EU clears Swift to continue giving banking data to US
  2. EU Makes Deal With U.S. on Passenger Data
  3. Lawmakers worry over government network breaches
  4. Vodafone touts secure remote working
  5. Authorities Probe Benoit Wikipedia Entry
  6. Homeland Security to host closed-door security forum (?)
  7. Harry Potter worm claims teenage wizard is dead (that didn’t take long)
  8. If this had been an actual emergency …
  9. Policy experts split on spyware laws
  10. Joanna’s Shocking Confession: There Exists Some Amount Of Money For Which I Would Agree To See BluePill Detected By Lawson, Ferrie, Dai Zovi and Ptacek. (loving watching this spin up)

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[tags]News, Daily Links, Security Blog, MySpace, Harry Potter Worm, Blue Pill, Spyware, DHS Forum[/tags]

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