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Security Briefing: May 16

Good morning folks. We had a nice bump in subscribers to our feed again. Thanks to everyone who signed on.

And now, the news…

  1. IBM courier crashes. Sensitive tapes go AWOL
  2. Businesses tackle laptop theft data security risks
  3. CrunchGear’s Essential Guide to Piracy
  4. Customs Breaks Privacy Laws in Data Collection, GAO Says
  5. Worm attacked voter database in notorious Florida district
  6. HTTP content scanning systems full-width/half-width Unicode encoding bypass
  7. Simple Security – Threats “In the Wild”, ascertaining your true risk
  8. International Antivirus Testing Workshop
  9. U.S. border inspectors rarely use screening tech

[tags]News, Daily Links, Security Blog, Antivirus, Risk, Biometrics, Piracy, Laptop Theft, IBM Data Loss[/tags]

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