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Security Briefing: May 23rd

Good morning and hello to this mornings visitors from UK, Romania, USA, Indonesia, Norway, India, Poland, Germany and Canada. Glad you stopped by!

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And now the news…

  1. Month of Bugs
  2. Promising antispam technique gets nod
  3. New smartphone Trojan has a profit motive
  4. Torrent overflows Opera
  5. Ex-waitress allegedly swiped identities
  6. Cisco, RSA to debut SAN-based data encryption
  7. Step-by-Step Guide: Demonstrate DHCP NAP Enforcement in a Test Lab
  8. The do’s and don’ts of an effective CISO
  9. How risky is open source?

[tags]News, Daily Links, Security Blog, CISO, ID Theft, Opera Vulnerability, Month of Bugs, SAN Encryption, Antispam[/tags]

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