
Apparently interning at Liquidmatrix just isn’t interesting enough.

Back with a pile of friday news for you, hope you’re looking forward to Thanksgiving as much as I am – sorry Americans, we need to have it early because it’s already so snowy out there that the harvest is freezing.

Don’t forget to…

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And now, the news…

  1. Kids need to agree to 120+ pages of EULAs in order to watch BluRay Sleeping Beauty Thanks to Zach for that one.
  2. Stepto talks about his SecTor 2008 experience And yes, I got a mention in the blog. I’m going to be twitter followed by the exact opposite of a horde of XBox Live gamers.
  3. An interesting post and response on the psychology of access control. This is exactly the sort of renaissance work that I was talking about on Wednesday.
  4. Wired’s Threat Level reports: NSA Snooped on Innocent Americans’ Private Calls from Iraq, Former Operators ChargeUm. Duh. Of course.
  5. Metasploit 3.2 includes new licenseexpect an olde skule fork bomb. Thanks Clint
  6. And a trio from the nice folks over at El Reg…

  7. Municipal broadband Illegal? Nope.
  8. Get your Opera updates.
  9. Apparently, graphics cards *REALLY* aren’t just for gamers anymore.
  10. And for people who’ve mistaken this for a celebrity tracking weblog, here’s a little something for you.

  11. Lisa Kudrow commits an act of comedy and yet I still don’t want to buy a Lexus.
  12. There is no number 10.

[tags]News, Daily Links, Security Blog, Information Security, Security News[/tags]


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