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Security Briefing: September 29th

Sorry for the gap in postings from last Tuesday until now. It was a rough week for me. Hopefully this week will be a smoother ride.

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And now, the news…

  1. Behind the scenes of online fraud | CNET
  2. Who has your old phone’s data? | Taipei Times
  3. Adobe vulnerability exploits are mounting | SC Magazine AU
  4. Computer data breach at Sonoma State University | San Jose Mercury News
  5. Conservatives would scrap controversial ContactPoint child database | The Telegraph
  6. Bedoun nabbed for hacking into Kuwaitis’, expats bank accounts | Arab Times
  7. Britain will make foreigners carry RFID identity cards | Boing Boing
  8. National Bank customer data stolen | The Globe and Mail

[tags]News, Daily Links, Security Blog, Information Security, Security News[/tags]

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