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Security Briefing: September 5th

Welcome to our readers this morning from The Netherlands, Germany, USA, Costa Rica, Israel, India, Greece, UK, Canada and others. Thanks for reading!

And now, the news…

  1. HITB – Expert finds ‘stupid’ vulnerabilities in Oracle 11g
  2. NASA boffins resist intrusive security probe
  3. Cisco playing network defense
  4. FBI: Enterprises need counterintelligence
  5. Malaysian security hub to open soon
  6. Fred Thompson’s Record: Cybersecurity Good, Free Culture Bad
  7. New Tool Slashes Exploit Writing Time, Pains McAfee
  8. China hosts nearly half of all malware sites

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[tags]News, Daily Links, Security Blog, Information Security, Fred Thompson, FBI, Oracle 11g Vulnerabilities, Cisco, Chinese Malware[/tags]

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