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Security Briefing: September 6th

Wondering how to stay motivated today. Let’s spin the wheel shall we? OK, it has landed on “who will try to undermine me next”. Sweet.

And now, the news…

  1. Anti-Malware Company Wins ‘Spyware’ Court Case
  2. AT&T Sells Parental Cell Phone Controls
  3. Hospital mobile bans ‘must stay’
  4. London hottest for online card fraud
  5. DHS halts anti-terror data-mining program
  6. Germany implements security plan to protect IT infrastructure
  7. Database Security in 5 Steps
  8. State fills first post designed to protect computer information
  9. B-52 carried nuclear missiles over US by mistake
  10. Security blanket smothers Sydney

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[tags]News, Daily Links, Security Blog, Information Security, Malware, Database Security, B-52, APEC Security, DHS Data Mining[/tags]

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