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Securiy Briefing: June 6th

Working form the home office this morning. The best kind of commute. Now, back to my research.

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And now, the news…

  1. Google to allow third party code in Gmail? | Builder AU
  2. Skype patches security policy bypassing vulnerability | ZDNet
  3. Experts warn of security-dodging Trojans | vnunet
  4. Microsoft Patch Tuesday promises seven fixes | The Register
  5. 6 burning questions about network security | Network World
  6. ArcSight and VeriSign Enterprise Security Services Launch Global Business Relationship | Compliance Home
  7. EU gives mixed response to new U.S. travel laws | Reuters
  8. Conroy launches service to warn of e-crimes | Australian IT
  9. Are you a computer security professional? | InfoWorld

[tags]News, Daily Links, Security Blog, Information Security, Security News[/tags]

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