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Shattered Dreams… and a welcome community


So I went out looking for the Helix Forensics Live CD today…

It seems things have changed.


So what’s a guy to do?

Well, I whined about it for a while. I raged about it for a while. I bargained with myself to see if it was worth the $179 for the once or twice a year I needed it. I got depressed because yet another company has taken off with “monetizing it’s community” and finally, I decided to go looking for the ISO of the last version before they went sideways.

I learned about what happened…

and some (partial) alternatives…

  1. Raptor by Forward Discovery, Inc.
  2. Windows FE
  3. and more Windows FE
  4. and even more Windows FE
  5. The nebulous promise of HelixCE (community edition)
  6. C.A.IN.E. (Computer Aided Investigative Environment) Live CD

I’d just about given up when I came across this posting from one of my #sectwits friends – Rob Fuller (@mubix): Ask and you shall receive – SumoLinux

It seems that another one of the #sectwits – Marcus J. Carey has put together a fantastic DVD-based or USB-based distro called SUMO Linux which just happens to contain:

a compilation of the best Information Security distributions:

  • Backtrack 3
  • Helix 2.0
  • Samurai Linux
  • DBAN
  • DVL

It’s available through the always impressive Pirate Bay torrent tracker here.

And just like that – the answer to my problem could have been found not through endless Google searches, but through a quick query to some of the fantastic folks on Twitter who have come together in an intensely supportive community with Zach Lanier (@quine) as it’s leader and (often) lead jokester.

(I’m so gonna pay for that last link…)

(CC licensed image from Todd Binger’s Flickr Stream)
[tags]helix3, livecd, hunting, mubix, marcusjcarey, awesome[/tags]

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