Well, as the graphic above may demonstrate, things are off to a rough start for someone at the con.
So, this is my first Shmoo and so far I couldn’t be happier. I’m already struck by the communal nature of this event in a way that I had not forseen. So many people I’ve met since my plane touched down yesterday. I enjoyed meeting up with a few with friends (@quine @beaker @agent0x0 etc) at the hotel bar and realized that I’ve become part of the community.
I met a security blogger, Tom, who I’ve read for long time and he had nice things to say about my writing. I was humbled by the experience. For a run down of things to check out while here at Shmoo he has a posting that you should read.
What makes this event even more bizarre is that there are a few other conferences taking plance at the Wardman Park Marriott. One of which is a steelworkers convention. A friend and I scurried out of the hotel bar around 1 am when they started to get wound up. We figured that it was only a matter of time before they decided that we would make fun projectiles.
This looks like it will be a good time. If you would like to follow my blather throughout the day I’m on Twitter as @gattaca and I will be updating as the day goes on, or not. It all depends on the kind of day it turns out to be.
It was great meeting you finally Dave! I’m glad you made it out alive 🙂
Likewise mate. The flight from DC to Montreal was an E ticket ride that I could have done without but, glad to be home.