As if we needed further evidence that spammers were a group of sub humanoid bottom feeders. It turns out that Al Gore’s site was hacked and the infiltrators inserted code in the web pages in a bid to drive up their own SEO ranking so they could sell more Viagra.
These links were not visible to regular users as they were buried in the source code, but they were picked up by search engine software to affect the position of another site altogether.
“The fact that Al Gore’s site got hacked or compromised, while definitely of significance, uncovers a much bigger technique now being used by spammers,” said Vikram Thakur, of Symantec’s security response team.
“The hackers were able to get to the top of the search results by creating links such as these. No one visiting the hacked site would have noticed or been affected by any malicious program. Not yet anyway.”
Using this technique, and by posting comments on forums using an automatic generator, the team was able to move its bogus pharmaceuticals site up near the top of the search engine rankings.
Wankers the lot of em.
[tags]Spammers, Al Gore Hacked, Spammers SEO, SEO, Al Gore[/tags]