On the world stage there are some scary players. Among them is the president of Iran. With a penchant for bravado and sabre rattling he sits down for an interview with German publication Spiegel. They discuss his views on Israel, the Holocaust and the nuclear tensions with the West.
SPIEGEL: Do you enjoy provoking the Americans and the rest of the world now and then?
Ahmadinejad: No, I’m not insulting anyone. The letter that I wrote to Mr. Bush was polite.
SPIEGEL: We don’t mean insult, but provoke.
[tags]Iran, Nuclear, Ahmadinejad, Bush[/tags]
‘Ahmadinedschad kämpft für Deutschland’
Ahmadinejad can say to Germany “If people committed crimes in the past, then they would have to have been tried 60 years ago. End of story!” in effect saying “get over it” and “move on.” Yet he can’t apply his own reasoning when it comes to the establishment of the nation of Israel 60 year ago. “Get over it” and “move on.” Ahmadinejad saying there was no Holocaust reminds me of when South Africa said HIV does not cause AIDS. Eventually their brains had to catch up with the rest of the planet.
I wish I could share your optimism.