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UK Tech Help For Children At Risk

In the UK the NSPCC‘s “ChildLine” will be offering assistance via SMS/Internet to kids in need.

From the BBC:

The NSPCC hopes to reach more at-risk children by making use of the technology that youngsters are comfortable and familiar with.

Early trials by the NSPCC show that boys and girls seek help with family problems in very different ways.

The improved access to ChildLine – 0800 1111 – comes as the NSPCC bids to recruit more people to answer calls.

And some disturbing reasons behind the need for the new services,

NSPCC research suggests that 94% of sexual abuse cases reported to ChildLine in 2005/06 were committed by someone known to the child, and 59% of abusers were family members.

This, said Dame Mary, often meant children had difficulty seeking help without being found out.

Microsoft has ponied up £1.3m in software and services. Very cool. Something like this program needs all the support it can get.

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