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Vista Security Claim Challenged

Well, that certainly didn’t take long. Security folks are taking aim at Bill Gates’ claim that Vista is more secure than other operating systems. Whether or not that proves to be true, the mere assertion is silly. This smacks of Ellison’s claim that Oracle was unbreakable. Thats right…just hold the red cape in front the bull.

No matter how you may slice it Microsoft can’t win here. There are the legions of hackers out there that would like nothing more than to see the company fall on its face. Or even simpler have their 5 minutes of fame for breaking off a piece of Vista. On the other side of the equation there are the competitors that will no doubt say “see, told you they weren’t secure”. It’s a no win.

Microsoft has spent more than five years developing Vista and some of the delays to its launch have occurred as developers struggle to make it more secure.

Malicious hackers are already known to be targeting Vista and carrying out research to expose its weaknesses.

“For sure, people are hammering away on it,” Jeff Moss, the organiser of the Defcon hacking convention, told Reuters.

“If you are a bad guy and you find a problem, you have a way to spread your malware and spyware,” he said.

And that will only be a matter of time. The evangelical operating system holier-than-though nonsense has got to come to an end. Every OS has it’s particular bent and brings with it their own myriad of difficulties. Vista will enjoy a honeymoon period and, like all software, will have its dark days.

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[tags]Vista, Vista Security, Hackers, Malware[/tags]

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