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Worms 2.0!

From The Reg:

In his research he focused on using a web browser as a beachhead to launch Metasploit-style attacks. What this means is that any Javascript enabled web browser might be used to launch an attack against a service, for example a VoIP server, and gain complete control of the box.

Generally exploits are executed inside a development framework such as Metasploit, or run directly from the code. But this time, the code would run inside the browser, using Javascript. And all of this takes palce without exploiting any bugs in the browser itself.

Your browser is now an active menace against the security of your internal network. However, the problem can’t be easily fixed, because it is not based on a bug: it simply uses “Web 2.0” technologies against you.

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[tags]Metasploit, Exploitation, Worms[/tags]

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