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Your April 17th Morning Coffee

Wow! Is that? Yes, I think it is. YES! Daylight up ahead. I’m finally managing to dig myself out from the under this mountain of documentation. Next up…more documentation…the horror…the horror…

And now, the news…

  1. ISM Community Top Ten – Manage Risk (Not Security)
  2. Skype IM malware smut surfaces
  3. First DNS Zero Day worm discovered
  4. Data Breach Aided University Phishing Scam
  5. Opinion: White House e-mails lost? What a joke!
  6. Debug mode = hacking tool?
  7. Researchers: Botnets Getting Beefier
  8. DHS No Longer Gets Failing Cybersecurity Grade
  9. Cell Phones, Blogs Enable Live Reporting Of Virginia Tech Shooting

[tags]News, Daily Links, Security, Blog, Morning Coffee, DHS, Skype, Virginia Tech, Botnet, Hacking[/tags]

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