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Your April 19th Morning Coffee

Good morning folks. Well, yesterday we did it again. We hit another all time high for traffic on the site thanks in no small part to CNN and Thanks for reading. If you haven’t already be sure to subscribe to our feed. Have us come to you!

  1. Why Vista is missing from NAC landscape
  2. Another Boston Terrorism Overreaction (I’ve got nothing)
  3. Hackers used e-mail access to gov’t computers
  4. Lenders Misusing Student Database
  5. Scumbag malware authors exploit Virginia Tech tragedy
  6. Report: Rootkits becoming increasingly complex
  7. Microsoft-Samsung pact includes Linux patent “protection” (Ballmer. Need I say more?)
  8. Blackberry says system restored (fubar?)

[tags]News, Daily Links, Security, Blog, Morning Coffee, Blackberry, Linux Patent, VT, Privacy, Boston Bomb Squad, Rootkits[/tags]

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