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Your January 22nd Afternoon Grog

Yeah, Monday tends to merit booze rather than coffee. Maybe that’s just me 😉

  1. Did Scotland Yard ‘hack’ Downing Street computers?
  2. Critical Microsoft & Mozilla Patches for 2006
  3. “Clear” Registered Traveller Program
  4. US tops spam relaying and malware leagues of shame
  5. Hackers nab €800,000 in online banking attack
  6. Cyberthreat experts to meet at secretive conference
  7. ‘Storm Worm’ hits computers worldwide
  8. The Month of Selfish Publicity Hogging
  9. Feds out for hacker’s blood

[tags]News, Daily Links, Security Blog, Morning Coffee, Lamo, Hackers, Malware, Storm Worm[/tags]

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