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Your January 9th 10th Morning Coffee

Ouch, sorry folks, my postings for yesterday got hosed up. I apologize for that. That being said, be sure to read up on the patches that were released yesterday from Microsoft. In particular MS07-001 and MS07-004 for which there is active exploitation in progress.

And now…the news…

  1. Microsoft Plugs Ten Security Holes
  2. Scary Blogspam Automation Tools
  3. Vista security got helping hand from US gov (cue the conspiracy theories)
  4. MI5 Terror Alerts by E-mail
  5. Vista flaw discovered, risk believed low
  6. VA awards network deal to AT&T
  7. NSA field-tests Windows Vista for security
  8. Security vendors talk up VoIP threats

And for anyone who might be living under a rock the new iPhone came out yesterday, and I want one 🙂

[tags]News, Daily Links, Security Blog, Morning Coffee, NSA, VoIP Security, Blogspam, MI5, Vista[/tags]

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