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Your October 17th Morning CaFfeINe Jolt

Feeling great today. I’ve made up my mind on what I want to do next in my career path. Now, I just have to figure out how to get there. 😀

And now, the newssszzzz (now, where’s my coffee)

  1. EEye to build world’s largest honeypot
  2. Bioterrorism Defense in the U.S.
  3. Vista to get transfer limits to combat piracy (hmmm?)
  4. McAfee opens data-theft snooping service
  5. Wired editor smokes out MySpace pedomore
  6. Sophos targets SMBs with integrated security suite
  7. EU plans to block terror sites, but doesn’t know how
  8. Security still lax in DHS systems: IG
  9. Flaw found in Toshiba wireless device driver
  10. Needed: A National Cyber Security Law

[tags]Daily Links, Morning Coffee, Sophos, McAfee, Vista, MySpace, EEye[/tags]

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